I don’t know why I’ve had such trouble posting my Throwback Thursday posts. I’ve always chosen to do it, as it’s been easy to do, especially since I work Thursdays. Just copy and paste a post from ten years ago… and, poof. Done. Now the computer refuses to update and save the posts, citing JSON Response, whatever that is. If I can’t figure it out, I may have to try something else. However, these posts, Reminiscing, by James Greet, are quite popular and deserve a spot themselves. I’ll try to keep them coming, at least on Fridays if not more… here we go!
By James Greet:
”We were living here (Brown cabin) when we had our cat, “Bubbles”, which was of the calico distinction and she was proud of it!
Dad took two long boards, two by twelve, and made a foot bridge across Canyon Creek by having some flat rocks in the middle where the planks met when laid end to end.
Of course, “Old Bubbles” slept outside. Mother thought she heard Bubbles growling about something and decided she better look out the cabin door. She couldn’t see or hear anything, so she went back to bed. Early the next morning, mother went outside to investigate a little. She could hear Bubbles meowing over across the creek. Mother called George and he went over and carried Bubbles home unhurt, but she wouldn’t cross the footbridge in the dark. There were bobcat tracks up to the cabin where he came up and took Bubbles and carried her across the footbridge and then dropped her when Mother opened the cabin door. Bobcats are noted for their curiosity about domestic cats and come in close under the cover of darkness.
Bubbles, dear Old Bubbles, a cat like no other. It got to be Christmas and we were going to the home ranch to be with the Pyle family. Bubbles had three or four little kittens that didn’t have their eyes open yet. Their abode was an old cellar that had mostly fallen in. Mother said that Bubbles would follow the team and wagon through the snow, and, sure enough, Bubbles did follow along, like a little dog. She wasn’t going to stay behind with bobcats around!
I asked Mother if I could leave a saucer of milk for the kittens to drink when they got hungry. At first, she said no. Seeing my disappointment, she thought, “why not?” I carefully placed the milk where the kittens could eat when they needed to.
Some days later, when we returned, my very first mission was to see how the kittens fared. Well, Mother was right, the milk was frozen solid, and so were the kittens, and I was disappointed, of course.”

Poor kittens! Mother certainly wasn’t sentimental over pesky kittens. Attitudes about animals certainly have changed.
James has an engaging way of writing. Keep them coming. Good posts for Fridays.
He really does have a style that just draws you in….Did he ever publish a book?
Thanks Carol! Love the picture too
Not published, just a notebook of stories…
I am enjoying these posts of James’ writings immensely – I hope you have many more of them to share with us. Thank you – and James, of course.