”Processing” cows today. That term means to “pour” or apply a wormer in liquid form along their spine. They also get a shot to boost their immunity to bovine rotavirus and coronavirus that should be passed along to their calf. In other words, calf scours or diarrhea is a big killer of newborn calves. This shot will help prevent scours in calves.

Our start was early enough that their breath and their backs created a cool photo .
Standard operating procedure: Vernon and Tess bring the cows from the corral through the alleyway. Daniel and Brandon administered the shot and the pour-on wormer. I let the cows out of the alley.

My favorite photo was this one.

Cow records are kept on our phones. The guys are trying to find out the identity of this cow who has lost her eartag. At the moment, they had no service/wifi, and it was slowing down their record keeping! The cow had her ear tattoo, but the last number was unreadable. Her bangs tag number confirmed her number as 9100, once Brandon hiked down a smidge and got connected to the mysterious wifi signal. Ranching in modern times…
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Great photos. The elusive Wi-Fi catches us all out at times.
Ranching in “modern times” is still a LOT of work and diligence! Thank you.
Bangs tag??? Perhaps i haven’t been paying attention over the years. And WIFI is mysterious where ever you are.
Great photos!
These photos of all it takes to raise beef are always interesting and informative. Thank you!
How times have changed! Great photos! Looks cold but Sun is shining!