Today remained overcast and snowy, although there was practically no more accumulation. I again remained inside, enjoying a big pot of pinto beans and cornbread… painting some light switches… and taking the time to watch Iowa’s Caitlyn Clark and her teammates unfortunately lose the National Championship to the South Carolina girls. She has been so fun to watch. I can’t stand professional sports teams anymore and most boys college teams are full of arrogant players. Iowa has been refreshing. While her three point shots are impressive, I’m personally impressed by her passing and assists. Every time I’ve seen Caitlyn interviewed she’s given credit to her team. Winning with grace is easy, losing with grace is difficult, Iowa did that today.

A wonderful idea.
Love these! The aspens and lupines and the colors are so pretty!
Nice switch plates, For the next craft show you participate in, maybe you’d have one for each season in a set!?
Good idea!
Beautiful art!
Great switch plates!