Back to good old ranchlife…
After two days of special activities, the weather has been great and I chose to accompany Vernon to his latest water project. The ride out was gorgeous, all this recent snow has watered the country and things are greening up dramatically.

This pasture has creek access on one corner, but the remainder of the pasture relies on some small reservoirs to water cattle. If the rain doesn’t come right to fill them up, the far side of the pasture doesn’t get used as well because the cows have to walk so far to get a drink. Enter the pipeline…

I wandered…
Looking for arrowheads and elk antlers, photographing wildflowers, looking for wildlife…

Elk weren’t in sight, but they had been here recently.

Sitting in the shade because it felt so hot… I received the sweetest text from a friend. Times like this are precious and rare and I’m so very grateful for this good old ranchlife!
Find me here!
Glad things are looking so green for your ranch!