Somehow, that chicken coop just doesn’t get cleaned… that was my plan until Vernon said we were moving some pairs around this afternoon in order to be prepared for branding.

While the cowboys brought the little bunch, Vernon and I zoomed down to move another little herd out of the way. It may not be romantic, but four wheelers can get stuff done while cowboys work at sorting pairs.
After dumping our pairs into a holding spot, Bravo and Indy and I were delegated to blocking their escape while Vernon repaired a hole in the fence.

Everyone was fresh and feeling their oats… Bravo would have happily chased cows into the next county. Indy was not quite so exuberant. Fence repaired and gate closed, we went back to see how the cowboys were fairing.

I videoed some of the action and finally got in close enough at the very, very end…

Then, of course, there’s the Oh-by-the-ways… which the cowboys happily rode off to find…

And I did NOT come home and clean my chicken coop… maybe tomorrow?
Find me here!
I don’t blame you one bit. Bet everyone is happy for spring
It’ll keep! Riding is more fun!