It’s that time again… my peonies were in bloom and I wasn’t going to miss making peony jelly. My first try was last year and I enjoyed the light floral jelly. I happened to mention my plans in front of Lorelei, and just that fast, I had an apprentice!
Peonies in full bloom are very pretty! It takes six large blossoms at their peak, to make jelly. If you make two batches, your peony may not be so pretty!

Rinse any ants and dust off of your peonies. Then pull the petals off from the flower base. Boil water and pour over the petals. We mashed them a bit as well. Soak for at least ten minutes.

It really is simple and quick. We found out that Lorelei can enter it in the County Fair and she took a jar home to do just that! Enjoy!
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Wow. I love peonies. We have a few bushes here but I did not realise you could make jelly. This year, unfortunately, the rain came just as they were in full bloom and ruined the blooms.
Sounds very delicious, and unique! Good luck to Lorelei when she enters it into the fair.
Hurrah for Lorelei!!! I hope she wins a blue ribbon.
How wonderful she can enter in fair!
I remember your post from last year had no idea you could use the petals.