After spending an hour and a half on cleaning up my iPad, transferring and deleting hundreds of photos, I came out to finish downloading the last photos from my camera. I then realized it was 10 pm and my camera was out in my car. <insert eye roll> Well, I’m too lazy to walk out to the garage!
Today was in the 90’s with a hot breeze of 20-25 mph most of the day. It was definitely sucking moisture out of everything today! I was babysitting and we’d rotate from an outdoor activity to the coolness of the house. Quinlan and Jaxon accompanied their dads on a fencing expedition on the mountain. It was in rough country, so the girls stayed behind with me… not that girls can’t do it, but we might wait a couple of years for their legs to grow longer so they can scrabble over the rocks and downed timber!
I’ll leave you with some Indian Blanket flower…

Beautiful flowers.
Love these flowers!!! Never seen them before, but think I’ll try to buy
some seeds. Thanks.
Sounds like a good trip to miss for now. Girls can wait for their fun!
Thanks for the Indian Blanket flowers.
Despite the “Critical error” or whatever it is. I still don’t understand why someone who is just posting a comment should have to or be able to solve the problem. Very frustrating.
I will add, just in case you see it and it helps that when I hit post comment, the circle on my tab spins for quite a while before the error message shows up. It’s definitely not as quick as picking the days post that I want to see.