The horses wait patiently as the semis are unloaded.

I don’t know why I like these versions so much… but I do. They have an entirely different vibe from just transferring color to a basic black and white. Over exposed. Grainy. Gritty. Not that I would take all of my photos like this… Wyoming’s beauty wouldn’t stand for it. Modern sensibility would deny it. I would probably get bored with it… but on this day…

Sounds like the lap of luxury for them not to have to hike all the way up, and much easier on the cow people.
So you sold some and they left a while back, and these are the replacements that you bought at the auction??? I’m just too nosy/curious.
Besides I just love having the who-ever website tell me I need to troubleshoot.
No, these are just our cows and calves hauled in semis to the top of the mountain. I love your comments, just ignore what your computer says!
It’s good to see the B&W version, but I agree too many wonderful colours in WY to not show them off at times.