The plan for the day… gather a pasture, sort off cows, vaccinate the calves. When I arrived, after doing some other chores at home, I couldn’t find anyone nor see any cows. I drove back and forth… nope. Well, I knew eventually they’d have to come to the corral, so I waited.

Megan and Tess showed up with 40 head. There were supposed to be over 100. Vernon, Daniel, and Brandon soon found them in the next pasture. But while they gathered, we girls got to work. Sorting. Check. Releasing the cows to graze. Check. Setting up the alleyway. Check. Mixing the vaccine. Check.
I ran some calves up the alley and the girls went to work.

A few minutes later… we were done.
I think the Girls Team did quite well.
The guys were on their way, so we went ahead and ate our lunch, planning the food for our big preg testing day in a couple of weeks.
The guys arrived with the remaining escapees… and we repeated the process over again. More muscle was used this time where The Girls Team had used more “technique”. Both work, but we gave ourselves a pat on the back. We got the job done!

A great girl team. Well done .
Hooray for the job being done! Kiddos in school?
Sure are!
Hooray for the Girl Team!