Rain! We received .56” in this storm! It’s the first rain we’ve had in a looonnnggggg time and it was needed so very badly. The dust has settled, snow has fallen on the mountain and has helped quell the growth of the wildfires. It’s been a cool couple of days and everyone is celebrating the moisture.
I had my doctor’s appointment. He told me to continue as I have with the brace and cane and icing and elevating for three more weeks until the bone is healed. Then I will do two weeks of physical therapy and then meet with him again to see how I’m doing. That was great news to me and I’m happy (more or less) to comply.
I sanded my first color of stain off and used some storebought grey stain over the top. It still has a reddish tint to it, but I can live with it.
I stained the tops black. It looks good even if maybe I should have done the entire top area, not just the top board.????? It looks dark anyway…
So my original idea was to paint wildflowers up the legs. Then I thought maybe wildflowers on 1/3 of the top… then I wondered about doing wildflowers but in a tone on tone look, so just using grey, black and white to paint them. So I sat there for 15 minutes and stared at the tables and then just left. I’ll have to chase those ideas around for a while and see which one sticks!
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Table looks great. Look forward to seeing your wild flowers. Glad you had some rain.
Keep up the good work on the knee and the tables. Congrats on the rain and cooler temps. Down with fire danger, Hurrah.
That’s ALL good news: much needed rain….solving more on your tables… and especially that your knee doing so much better!! Life is good.
Thankful you got rain! The tables look good. Flowers sound nice.
Take care of yourself!