Some time ago, I saw something on the internet. It sounded intriguing. The idea is for your chicken coop. Often, I will find small birds in my coop. Sparrows. Chickadees. They hop in the open door to help themselves to my chicken feed. Pooping. And with the avian flu… they could possibly be carriers. Keeping small birds out of a chicken coop seems like a good idea.
The idea involves a bead curtain.

Now, I don’t know if they’re not close enough together or anything. All I did was string them together and tied the strings to a board.

The theory goes that chickens will walk right through but small birds won’t go through.
Will it work?

Tomorrow I will see if it works or if it needs modifications. If this works, I’ll be thrilled. A flock of tiny birds can eat a fair amount!
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A great idea. Hope it works and keeps the tiny birds out.
Very clever! Hope it works.
Small birds are thieves. Who knew. They must think it’s a wall. hope it works.
That is beautiful hope it works!