An update on my beaded curtain for my chicken coop.

It works!
Since I’ve hung up their hippy style beaded curtain in the door, NO little sparrows or chickadees have entered my coop. I regularly would have 1-6 little birds in there at night when I closed up. I’ve had ZERO.
Wild birds are no longer stealing my chickens’ feed or contaminating the coop. Not that my free ranging hens can’t come in contact with wild birds while being free but it’s a small layer of protection against illness.
I did have to lure the hens out the first two days, giving them some crusty old bread. Since it was so cold, they grabbed the treat and ran back inside! Now, they blast through the beads like they aren’t there.
I was worried the beads might constantly become entangled, but it hasn’t happened either. Perhaps because they are heavy glass beads, perhaps I lucked out on the spacing. I did angle my board since my bead lengths varied. I did a rush job, not really expecting this to work, but it does!
Who knew?
It does make me giggle envisioning the girls as hippy chicks, busting through to the wild, free world! You go, girls!
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What a great and funny solution to this wild bird problem! You might consider sharing this on the Backyard Chickens forum. 🙂
Oh my gosh! Thanks for the update and the picture…It really made me chuckle!
Who would know such a little thing would make such a big difference!
I’m happy for your success and your “hippy chicks”!