Lucas lays on a deer trail still covered in snow to cool off. It was all of 45 degrees, but we’d been hiking for a while. He’s watching Boomer on the other side of the draw follow whiffs of bunny scent.
Category: Dogs
“Elsa, Dear” is my endearment for this little lady. As hard-headed as she can be sometimes…othertimes she is my silent shadow, at my heels, head tilted to see any look, any sign that I give that might concern her. A hand reaching for my pocket may mean a treat for her. A whisper of ssssssss…
Favorite Model
“You ask me of my companions. The hills sir, and the sundown, and a dog as large as myself.” – Emily Dickinson
Elsa will jump just about anywhere! She’s making sure I’m still on the ground as she is high up on our haystack!
Working Dogs Video
Elsa pushes up some cows through deep snow. I’m not giving her direction beyond her first “Get ’em up!” partly because I’m breathing so hard from walking through the deep snow! She does gather them, even recovering the one I thought she had left. She follows them around the corner of the road, and then…
Elsa bunny hunting. When we get used to anything, it becomes an instant frustration when it doesn’t work the way it was designed. You turn the faucet, the water should come out. You flip the switch the light should come on. You start the tractor the diesel engine should growl right along. This morning it…
Snow walkers
Lucas, Elsa, Dally, and I took a walk. The day was warm and softening the snow, burning it off of the south facing hillsides. Today was a good day for black and white! I didn’t get as many good pictures as I wanted. Dally is a fast little girl. She weighs 17 pounds and had…
Glimpses Saw two coyotes head over the rimrock this morning, unhurried, curious, yet wise enough to leave the territory. Dally must be locked up the past few mornings, or she follows us, eager to learn and I am unable to watch her carefully around the hay trailer, yearlings, and soon-to-be momma cows. She must learn…
A Different Calling
Today Lucas and I finally got a chance to be something else besides stockdog and owner. We became a Therapy Dog Team at Ten Sleep School. I have worked towards this day for over a year. We began when Lucas was a puppy and not yet old enough to be registered as a Therapy Dog. …
Whispers of Grey
They appeared quickly through the dry trees…running grey whispers going flat against the dingy white snow. One shouldered into another and sent him rolling…but he quickly regained his feet and the whispers continued on. They were fast. Low and stretched out, the ground they covered passed quickly. There were four. One is seen frequently, two is not…
North East South West Facing Dogs
The dogs of Greet Ranch look all directions to protect the hay trailer from any predators, or cattle! Bob, Elsa, Lucas, and Boomer stand guard.