For this Wordless Wednesday … “Two Trails in Two Trees, Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming” *********************************************************************************************************************** September 8, 2009 Kaycee Challenge Dog Trial
Category: Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday – “Ponies against the Drift Fence”
Sunlight shines through the storm clouds, and highlights our horse herd against the old “drift fence”.
Wordless Wednesday – “Sunset and Storm”
“Sunset and Storm”
Wordless Wednesday – “My Space”
I know no one wants a Wordless Wednesday entry today… we all just want to go hug Boomer and play STICK. <You must spell it STICK… because Boomer is SOOOOO intense about it… It simply MUST be in CAPS. STICK!> But life on a ranch goes on… steadily… onward. Today grain is being thrashed, equipment…
Wordless Wednesday – “”Wild” Flowers”
“”Wild” Flowers Must be Fenced In!” Don’t forget! Q & A Session for Saturday! Leave your questions in the Comments, and I’ll answer them!
Wordless Wednesday – “Enjoying the View… aka… “
“Enjoying the View… aka… Watching the Herd… aka… Guarding the Escape Route… aka… GetBackintheBunch!… aka… Just Sittin’ Here…” Depending on your perspective…
Wordless Wednesday – “The Big ‘Un”
“The Big ‘Un… aka… Supper Tonight!” 17.25 inches, Brown Trout, in case you were wondering…
Wordless Wednesday – “My Little Gal”
My little gal… Rimrock Rimfire “Dally”
Wordless Wednesday – “Your Suggestions for a Title Needed!”
It’s wordless… but post your suggestions for a title in the comment section!
Wordless Wednesday – “Old Man Leaning”
“Old Man Leaning” Age is catching up to my favorite round corral built of old cedar posts and poles…
Wordless Wednesday – “The Road Less Traveled”
“The Road Less Traveled”… my favorite kind!