A shot of my *piece* on earth… **** December 8, 2009 Frosted December 8, 2008 Follow Up on Be Warned
Category: Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday – “Those Cleopatra Eyes”
Ya just gotta love Elsa and her Cleopatra eyes! **** December 1, 2009 These Men December 2, 2008 OOPE Day 3
Wordless Wednesday – “Frosty Frame”
-18˚ makes for a frosty frame for my barbed wire rose… **** November 24, 2009 A Diet Tip for Thanksgiving Week November 24, 2008 I’m Baaaaaak!
Wordless Wednesday – “Hunkering Down for Winter”
Our sod roofed bunkhouse seems to hunker down for winter… **** November 17, 2009 Puppies at Three Weeks Video November 17, 2008 Old Girl – Overs
Wordless Wednesday – “Can You See What I See? aka Hunting Season is Definitely Over”
Hunting season is DEFINITELY over… this little muley buck was unconcerned with my photography! ******************************************************************************* November 10, 2009 In a Nutshell November 10, 2008 Introducing Jazz
Wordless Wednesday – “Ready to Disappear into the Willows”
A fleeting glimpse of a whitetail doe and twin fawns who are ready to disappear into the willows again… Happy Birthday to Victoria… I love you! Leave questions in the comment section… answered Sunday. ********************************************************************************** November 3, 2009 What Tomorrow Brings
Wordless Wednesday – “Returning to the Land”
This formerly two story barn is shrinking… “Returning to the Land”. ******************************************************************************* October 27, 2009 Little Remnants
Wordless Wednesday – “How We Roll”
The bidding for the watercolors ends tonight at midnight! Currently, three different bidders each own one… $50 for A and C, $45 for B. Any last minute bidders out there? *************************************************************************************** October 20, 2009 For It Was A Place of Joy October 20, 2008 Rin Tin Tinnish
Wordless Wednesday – “Crystal Farming”
Our new venture… “Crystal Farming” ************************************************************************************* October 13, 2009 Signs That You May Be In Wyoming…
Wordless Wednesday – “Sunshine Flows into Trees”
Again. Here it is. “Sunshine Flows into Trees” Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~John Muir In Memoriam … Marcia King-Brink … English Shepherd lover/breeder/friend ******************************************************************************* October 6,…
Wordless Wednesday – “Waiting for His Next Victim”
“Waiting for His Next Victim”… Lucas waits for the next calf to come through… see “His Job ” from the other day! *********************************************************************************** September 29, 2009 Weaning
Wordless Wednesday – “Ride Into the Sunset”
This week… After roping practice, Bic can’t quite “Ride Into the Sunset”. She’s tied to the horsetrailer. ********************************************************************************** September 22, 2009 Salty Dog