For those of you ready to follow pysanky instructions, never fear… I’ll continue your lessons, but figured I needed to mix it up a little. Keep researching designs and transfer some outlines to your egg(s). Did you place your order yet?
I need some opinions and help here.
I think you’ve all heard the story of Lucas and how he was injured at 7 months of age. If not, go here.
I have doctored his front left paw fairly consistently. It took me a long time, many pricey storebought boots, handmade boots, and help from a extremely nice lady from Thermopolis, Wyoming to finally figure it all out and gain success. I have had it healed at one point even, but that lasted about a month and he wore it down again, despite having his boot on. He is an active dog and Wyoming is hard country…
All I have to do is open my door, look at him, and ask, “Let’s get your boot on.” and in he comes!
But I’m not happy for four reasons.
1) There should be a way to heal this sore! This drives me bananas, so I’m putting it out there for more opinions. I have dosed him with pascalite, musher’s secret, new skin (once – it burns!!!), and other ideas. I have NOT tried tea tree oil… perhaps I should order some. I have asked various vets and pharmacists… anyone else have ideas?
2) The wrap I use discolors his paw. It used to be the color of the vet wrap I used, but now it just matches his sable color! I’d be tempted to bleach it out, but don’t want to get bleach near his open sore. Any ideas on how to return it to white? Minor, I know, but it bugs me.
3) He seems to be rolling his paw sideways more… the sore didn’t use to be here, but actually on his pad… now it is about half and half. I imagine that is a sign of his leg wearing out… and I don’t want to think about that, but I’m ready to make him an appointment with a dog masseuse! I have read some books on that topic along with T-touch for dogs… anyone else have books they’d recommend? And he LOVES his massages!
4) The last thing is… if I leave the boot on him for two days, when I remove it – it has a ghastly odor. This is directly related to extra moisture getting in there, so if he walks into the creek to get a drink, I know I’ll have to change his boot. But life in snowy country also adds to this. He cleans it up himself most of the time, but the other day I washed his paw in baking soda just to get rid of the odor in my house! I then “air” him out, usually overnight, so he can really clean it before the next morning when he gets another boot. Ideas about this?
Here’s our Standard Operating Procedure for Lucas’ paw.
Assembly of supplies: colorful duct tape (it is easier to find when he loses his boot… grey tape doesn’t stand out in Wyoming), scissors, antibiotic ointment, vet wrap, woman’s heel insert.
The offending paw. It should be white!
No wonder he limps in addition to his nerve damage! Ouchey.
Apply antibiotic ointment with pain reliever…
Hold the heel pad in place… at $3 each, I reuse them… and try to find them if he loses it while out working!
Hold heel pad in place with vet wrap… I really try not to use hot pink… he’s a studly dog!
Front to back duct tape… no pressure on the toes!
Duct tape side to side…
A firm piece of tape on the upper section… this one holds it in place!
Another firm wrap lower down…
Another extra layer on the bottom, just for good measure.
Lucas ready to go with his fresh new boot! I occasionally have put some vet wrap on the outside for traction… sometimes it works, sometimes it falls off fast!
OK, folks, send ideas my way… this boy needs more help!
I am VERY frustrated with this… but don’t tell me to fuse his joints or cut off his paw. I don’t want to consider those options at this point.
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