Well, I’ve known before that I hate hinges… for some reason, they puzzle me up! Because of that simple little quirk, I didn’t accomplish anything with my dresser today except for sanding the drawer front.
Yes, due to popular demand, I’m going to attempt to leave it on! I’m glad everyone supported that idea… I was leaning that way, and now I have some encouragement!
However, I would *love* to do Dori’s suggestion with the infrared remote. Perhaps the hinges could disappear! But again… I come up against wiring… another mental block/quirk of mine.
This was supposed to be SOOOOO simple.
I need my brother, who is an artist in wood… but he’s four hours away…
I NEED to finish this up so I can return to my bathroom and finish *those* projects! I shall attempt some resolution to this problem tomorrow, as I think I found my way through the fogginess of my brain cells and have a Plan For Hinges.
Meanwhile… back at the ranch…
We have gathered all of our cattle off the BLM allotment… and are feeding them hay daily.
Soon we’ll sort them into early calvers and late calvers and vaccinate with Scour Guard and move them into different pastures. Weather permitting that’s Thursday and Friday plans.
There’s always something in the works around here!
January 16, 2010 No entry.
January 16, 2009 Sorting OOPE Fave
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