A “real” computer!
Well, I’m on Victoria’s laptop, not my own, but at least I can post with this!
I’ve spent the past two days at a dog clinic with Dave Viklund. I attended one put on by his wife, Trudy, a couple of years ago.
That’s put me and all three of my dogs out of sync… *almost* computerless, since my iPad and I are not on the same wavelength yet… photograph-less, since inside photos in a dark-ish arena with fast moving dogs and sheep are beyond my capabilites… and in TOWN, for heaven’s sake!
Sheridan is a nice place, but it is amazing how ingrained the country life is in me.
In town, there’s traffic. Traffic, for heaven’s sake! Like you have to WATCH for all those *other* people!
Noise and sirens and trains. TRAINS!
It’s been a while since I’ve listened to trains.
My motel room was right next to the tracks… and all three of my dogs were convinced that the sound of rumbling was a big thunder storm outside our room. They were not happy at all.
I’ve also found out that “dog rooms” are also “smoking rooms”… amazing how *that* can wake you up in the middle of the night, thinking your dogs have (gasp) done something inside… then realize, through your stuffy nose, that it is a smoky smell not an oops-inside-the-house smell.
I buzzed from Sheridan this evening as far as Kaycee… and I decided to stay and help Victoria out a bit. She needs a put up the cribs/rearrange/organize/clean treatment for her house, so I plan on diving in first thing in the morning and see what I can accomplish for her.
No, I’m not for hire.
You must be my daughter *and* be pregnant with twins to deserve this honor!
Tomorrow, I’ll head back home… see if my husband and son recognize me… and relax completely… in the quiet of my Red Dirt Country.
September 25, 2010 Football
September 25, 2009 I Love Barns
September 25, 2008 Here They Come… There They Go