Just a smidge too many clouds to make out Comet Panstarr tonight. Bummer.
Let’s do the Q&A!
Karyn: Wow, that is so cool!! (the Frost Leaving Video) I’ve never heard of that (or heard it) before! Was that Dally or Lucas on the snow? I miss Elsa
Karyn, that was Dally… and I miss Elsa, too. I’ve put her dog tags on my “Rimrock English Shepherds” coat… but they are so noisy and she was such a quiet soul! I need those rubber
silencers you can put on dog tags! And to those who sent me cards when Elsa died… thank you so so much! It was so sweet and it made me cry…
Marilyn: What about having some heat in the winter, in your studio? Is that part of the plan? The new format of your blog is very nice!
Marilyn, remember the wood cookstove? It’ll be the main source of heat for the studio. If I need more, I have another tiny wood stove, or maybe just an electric one… we’ll have to see how much I’ll need. I’m glad you’re liking this setup. I’m working on it just a bit almost everyday, so expect constant change… but I’m getting some great help from other ag bloggers!
Shauna: I lost my daily feed to Reddirt, and I can’t seem to get it back. I so looked forward to finding your daily posts in my inbox. Are you going to sell the felted soaps? I would buy them for myself and for my clients.
Shauna, for those of you who lost your email feed to RDIMS, you can re-subscribe on the top right sidebar. You should have also received an email… Yes, I am going to sell the felted soaps… I still have yet to print out my labels and then they’ll be ready to sell! So, coming soon!
Liza: I hope you find out how to do the links to previous years, I really enjoy going back and seeing what was going on one, two, three years ago!
Liza, I hope I figure that out too! The one I’m using doesn’t do it properly and I need to find a widget that will! I agree, I miss reading what happened last year! or the year before, or the year before…
Pam: why? (switch to WordPress?) that’s all I want to know. really. just why would you switch over when all “seemed” to be working.
Pam, GoDaddy (yes, they had a gross commercial, but I’ve been with them for 6 years…) is stopping their promotion of their QuickBlogcast product. To me, that meant the end was in sight, and I wanted more anyway… more pages… more variety… everyone, even GoDaddy, says WordPress is The Deal… and so, I jumped. I screamed when I jumped, but I jumped. and here I am.
Pam: Carol, Isn’t that Elsa on Sept 19th of this year’s calendar?
Pam, I think I’ve answered this before… and just a FYI note to everyone, if you ask questions in the middle of the month and NOT just for a Q&A, you might have to re-visit the blog post you asked your question on, to see my answer! I do believe that is a puppy from Dally’s last litter, the one I named Rebideau, or Reb.
Marilyn: I may have forgotten, but am asking if you have cows, a barn, etc. at your new place? Or does Vernon head back to the original homestead location to work.
Marilyn, yes we have barns and corrals here, and fields! but Vernon does go to the other places to work. That’s where the cows are… for now!
Sara: I know you have answered a question similar to this but I have forgotten the answer. How do you choose your horses… you just go to sales and hope for the best or do you buy registered ones and make sure they have certain bloodlines?
Sara, we either tend to buy from someone we know, or we’ve gone to the Cody Wild West Sale a few times. We do not care if they are registered or have certain bloodlines. We are not the “horsey-ist” ranch around, for sure… We want calm horses, fairly stout, used to rugged landscape if possible (remember, Panama was Not!), with good feet, a good walk, and a good handle. They usually don’t come with all that, but that’s what we WANT! 😉
I think that’s IT for this session of Q&A! Thanks, everyone!
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