For the past few days, thunderstorms have rumbled through… bringing a bit of rain, too much lightning for my taste, and winds up to 50 mph.
From the Studio, it looks like this over our oat field.
The moisture is GREAT, July has been very dry right here… though other storms have gone around us.
But sure enough, the storm today also brought a tiny wildfire, quickly seen and put out by Brandon, Vernon, and Daniel. It was only half an acre, and the rain had helped the situation…
This will be a continuing pattern… It is, after all, almost August!
Another thing to watch out for… if you water your sweet corn, and then it gets hit by 50 mph gusts… it does this.
Which is a pain. I’ve set some of it back upright by piling more dirt around the roots. I thought I had it built up enough, but not for those conditions! I’ll get it all back, I hope, just need to let the soil dry out a bit more!
It also blew over some of my tomato buckets… pllllllllll!
And it whipped around the squash and peppers…
No hail, though, and for that, I’m grateful!
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Nonetheless, your garden looks good.
Bless your heart for remaining “grateful” after your garden got a big
dose of an out-of-control Mother Nature. I hope the plants revive and restore themselves after all the work that goes into putting it all together.
Sometime…a future project…a good, quick-growing and effective windbreak is bamboo and there are strains that will grow in Wyoming. The difficult part is putting down the root barriers so it doesn’t grow out of control.