So Brandon spent most of his Sunday doing this.
Yup. Looking under a heifers tail… getting covered in blood and poo. I gave him an extremely short break by doing about 8 heifers right before lunch… I’m not near as fast or efficient, but I can get it done. It probably would have helped had it not been 90+ degrees!
Of course, this is also after they gathered them, and trailed them home 3 miles…
Then, after we finished up, we had to trail them BACK down those same three miles. Nothing like trailing black cattle on black asphalt on a HOT DAY. The snow on the mountaintops was simply just mocking us…
I shouldn’t complain, I was in the pickup running the flashers, but my a/c wasn’t keeping up very well, and I finally stuck a dirty rag in the window to block that late western sun that was beating in my window. I know. Rough Life.
Then there was that wayward bull that needed to be trailed BACK a mile to put him where he belonged…
And it was all for this…
These vials of blood, to be tested by a company in Laramie, will tell us if our AIing worked. If they’re pregnant now, we know for sure it was the AI, and not a bull catching her on her next heat cycle. It’s awfully nice to know our success rate, and it helps with our calving/breeding program, if we know for sure who their daddy is!
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Good to have a man that can take the heat!
I was really glad to get to the last picture to find out why all the ” looking under the tails” was all about! Very interesting!
Loving that ratty pair of jeans in that first picture! No use getting a nice pair dirty, right?
Hope you get a nice calf crop out of those heifers!
Jeanna recently posted…Throwback Thursday
My boys are well known for their patched and repatched jeans… they get their money’s worth!
Long, hot day, but what satisfaction in getting the job done. Extremely hot here too.