I sit here, blanket across my lap, listening to rain (again) and knowing that at 35˚ present temperature, I’ll probably wake up to snow in the morning.
There HAS to be more fall coming our way, but these days of winter’s visits seem to be getting closer together and colder and lasting longer.
Time to move the ranch to New Zealand for the winter!
I had three things I could have shared tonight… and I had the “before” photos… but no “after” photos. It’s kind of difficult to tell a story with no ending.
So, I’m going to let some other writers inform and entertain you tonight.
It’s been a year since the Atlas Blizzard struck South Dakota and surrounding states. I wrote about it various times. This week, Ryan, who works for the Montana Stockgrowers Association, wrote a great follow up piece. I think it’s worth the read.
To switch gears, I’ll always depend on Kari over at Montana for Real. Her ranch humor has made me snort and giggle uncontrollably on multiple occasions… Here’s a couple of her newest treasures to enjoy. For you “horsey” type folks, The Lazy Cowgirl’s Guide to Trailer Training , will make you wish you hadn’t spent all that money on Clinton Anderson’s lastest DVD set. Then there’s Still Kickin’, her description of her branding crew. The girl just cracks me up.
Well, hope you enjoy, and tomorrow I’ll see if I can’t take some “after” photos so I can get to sharing stories again!
Find me here!
It’s 7:00 pm here and now I am listening to a light rain, with an unusual
light pink sky. Enjoyed your shared stories today.
So glad… They’re good people… like you!
firm believer in lazy girl loading. It works great. Bad read, “Winter Range” by Claire Davis. Well written, but VERY sad, depressing.
Will look that up… thanks. Sounds familiar…