Hey, there, Craig Johnson, author of Dry Bones, the newest installment in the Longmire mystery series… I have a bone to pick with you! The reason my garden is full of weeds, none of the outbuildings have been weeded around, the trim on my house isn’t painted, nor is a myriad of other jobs complete… is because of you!
Actually, I’m having a blast playing instead of working because of you!
Craig Johnson will be the Grand Marshall of the Fourth of July parade in Ten Sleep. The library, (meaning me and my boss), is creating a great float for him to ride on! Since Dry Bones is about a murder surrounding the discovery of a T. rex skeleton… we may have something along those lines on the float! I don’t want to give it all away, but I guarantee, if you read the book before the parade, you’ll appreciate the float that much more! (go buy his book NOW! … or check it out of the library! 😉 )
These little gems are great fun to make with plaster of paris. I could do it all day long! Don’t they look spectacular? I hope the finished product looks as good!
And just for the record… what I’m making… well, it has scratched me multiple times. I have bled for you, Craig Johnson… I sure hope like hell this thing turns out cool!
Come to the parade, see our float, then meet Craig in the town park for a short talk and book signing… It’s bound to be a Grand Time, 67 million years in the making…
Find me here!
Cant wait…thanx for sharing…
Sounds like you will all have a great time on the 4th. Still working my way through the Longmire books. Next read is ‘Another man’s moccasins’. We have about two more episodes of S3 to watch in UK……..then the long wait to see if Netflix streams in UK. I would love to be with you on the 4th but the big pond is in the way.
that darned ol’ big pond…
Thanks for all the extra things you do!
Hey, he’s not just for Wyoming anymore–went to his reading/signing in Pennsylvania last month! And you guys are in for a treat!
Can’t wait to see pix of your creation.
Can’t wait to see THIS creation of yours!
We’ll see you there!