Fishing from Carol Greet on Vimeo.
(Not his best cast, but the best I got on video!)
Last chance for questions! Post them here…
Find me here!Fishing from Carol Greet on Vimeo.
(Not his best cast, but the best I got on video!)
Last chance for questions! Post them here…
Find me here!
How many acres is your ranch? Is all of that useable grazing land? Do you also run cattle on federal land leases?
I thought that was a great cast for his first fishing trip. I see a future fisherman there.
me too!!
When you move cattle from one pasture to another do you have to have a brand inspector check each move, or is that only when they’re moving off the property?
Oh what a beautiful video. He is so cute. With water on the ranch do all kids learn to swim when they are young?