So… another long day, though very enjoyable and actually COOL. Yes, folks, I said, COOL. 99.9% of Kids’ Rodeo days have been unbearably HOT, dry, dusty, sweaty days, but not today!
If you wanted Longmire Days photos, you’ll have to wait… and, yes, I know I still have questions to answer from the other day… but let’s do one thing at a time!
First, Quinlan and Jaxon were entered in the costume contest.
They aren’t smiling in this one, but I loved that you could see the security sippy cup… Good ol’ Blue Horse was Cat in the Hat with Quinlan as Thing One and Jaxon as Thing Two.
Then came the Stick Horse Race.
The other two cousins were at the other end of the line… They all race together, Bonanza Style! Obviously, Greet genes do not have any speed built in, (although we had that figured out when these kids’ parents were kids!) To be fair, Jaxon’s feet got tangled in the starting tape laying on the ground, and Quinlan slowed down to check on his cousin’s condition! The thing is, these tiny kids don’t get too upset, they’re happy to run the distance… and in this one event… everyone gets something.
Can you tell how absolutely thrilled Jaxon is that he won a tractor and trailer??????
Next in line? The kids roping. Waylon was the only one entered here… and I have cute photos that I can’t share (which is way too bad… I have the BEST photo!) By golly, that little cowboy took second place in roping!!!
Goat tail untying and mutton busting were also entered, but with no measurable results!
At the very end, prizes are awarded.
Here’s Quinlan getting the prize for the costume contest. Jaxon had already gone home.
They won a headstall and Blue Horse won a bucket full of treats.
Immediately after receiving your prize, you sign some thank you cards for the prize donors. We try to teach them right!
I have a great photo of Waylon’s face when he received his New Rope! It’s amazing.
Finally, Little Miss Lorelei, relaxing in a borrowed chair, can’t wait for next year, when an unsteady little filly will be in the Stick Horse Race herself!
(for more great Kids’ Rodeo pics, go type it in on the search bar… you’ll see past years’ entries!)
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Those are the cutest kids. What fun! Yee Haw!
Boy Howdy! you all had such a great day. I’m glad the temperature was
cool for all the fun activities. Costumes, stick-horse race, little cowpokes roping contest – :-):-):-) and prizes for all. I liked the Dr. Seuss hat and socks on the horse, too. Such “down home” fun.
What a great day you all had. Wonderful photos of you grandkids:-)
Looks like everyone had an absolute blast! 😀