After working the cows the other day, we had divided them into two groups. One group was the older cows, one was made up of the younger ones. We will throw a bit more hay to the younger ones that Daniel will feed. The older cows will simply get the standard amount.
Younger cows are just across the bridge, which takes about five minutes to get to from the corral, so Bravo and I helped walk them down through the first gate. He does well, anxious to do SOMETHING, but he still listens to me and comes back. A little more age, and some training, and he’ll get a good go at them someday.

The other older bunch had more of a hike… about two miles. I was delegated with flagging on the highway. The entrance on to the highway is on top of a hill on a curve which makes for a dangerous place for cows to walk.
I plant myself far enough back that should someone come down the highway at speed, they’ll slow because of me in the Durango with my emergency flashers on, then notice the cows on the road.

It wasn’t that long and we arrived. The school bus had stopped on the other end, and Megan picked up the girls. That’s the UPS truck slowing down from my side. Traffic was light!

A short visit, a cookie, and work was done for that day!

Beautiful views. NICE empty roads!!!!!!
Who is the cute “pup” on the back of quad?
Jekyll, Brandon’s Aussie.
looking down the highway in your 1st. picture is very interesting , mts. in the far distance, foot hills closer,then the area just to the right of the highway that looks like it has been graded by machines, and across the hwy. a nice valley, makes me wonder- very interesting land you all live in- always time for a cookie!!