For a jigsaw puzzle of this photo, go HERE.
I made a mistake yesterday, those are cliff swallow nests NOT BARN SWALLOWS. Thanks for the catch, K.!
I also made this into a puzzle due to special request. Enjoy! Two puzzles in one day!
ALL MY PUZZLES CAN BE FOUND ON JIGSAWPLANET.COM. Just in case you have extra time on your hands… search for Red Dirt In My Soul.
Find me here!
I’m not really into puzzles but I can’t help wondering what that old Chevy ran in to or maybe someone backed into it………..that happens on farms and ranches sometimes.
are those sandhill cranes? Thanks for the double puzzle! I had started the truck puzzle the other day, then lost it!
That turquoise truck is my favorite out of the old junkers. It’s a great color!
Thank you, so much , for the puzzles!
Blessings on your day!
Pam T
Oooh, thank you!!