We weaned our calves today. They had been gathered already and overnighted in a small pasture next to the corral. All we had to do was put them in the corral, sort off the calves from their mums, and then load the calves onto the semis who hauled them off the mountain for us.
The truckers call out how many will fit into the different compartments on their truck and I’d put them in this pen while the boys would recount and walk them up the alley to load them.
It all went quite well and we were done by lunch. Well, I was. The guys split them between two corrals in the afternoon. Daniel and Tess get to listen to them for the next few days until they settle down.
Tomorrow we preg test our cows, so back up the mountain we will go!
Happy tenth birthday to Quinlan!
Find me here!
Happy Birthday Quinlan.
Happy Birthday Quinlan!
Did you make the lighted jars hanging behind him? How did you do it?
I didn’t. This pic is from the wedding we went to a few weeks ago. I remember looking at them to see how they were made, but now I couldn’t tell you how they were made! Short memory.