This was first posted October 17, 2010.
I know! I know!
Seems like the past week has been full of hot air…balloons and me promoting my watercolors for auction .“I thought you lived on a *ranch*!
Where’s the ranchy stuff?”
<NOTE: I said ranchy NOT raunchy!><I know the difference!>
Well, in between hot air balloons and hunting season and the Harvest Dinner and painting…YUP.We’ve been ranchers too.

We have a little bunch of leased cows… they run on another pasture than our big bunch. These cows haven’t been preg tested yet, so the other day we gathered ’em up. They were ready to get off the hill! With barely any encouragement, they gathered themselves and started heading for the gate. I honestly LOOOOOOVE gathering in the fall. The calves are gone… the cows know where to go… it’s SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO quiet!

As the cows go “unattended”, Daniel’s education continues… as father and son discuss fencelines. Property ownership. State ground. BLM ground. Springs. “Over there.”

In case you couldn’t tell, I’m back to my ANCIENT Olympus C700. It rides in a fanny pack around my waist… and all of these shots are taken OOPE style ! I always manage to get Panama’s ears in the shot… but this trip I did very well at capturing my reins also.

We’re headed towards those buildings and corral… the vet will meet us there. He’ll preg test ours and a neighbor’s little bunch. Can you tell they put up grass hay out of this pasture? It’s gorgeous! Look closely and you can see Daniel waving me over to the gate to my left. I thought we were going to a different gate. My bad.

I had to open this gate… it gives you great perspective on how high this grass really was! The dogs were at a disadvantage here!

Captured!Now we wait for the vet… and the neighbors to get ready.

Leaning is the first step. Next comes sitting against the pickup tire. Then comes sprawling on the ground… taking a quick nap.
YUP. We were doing ranch work!
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amazing article for kids
Love your “order of business” description of preparing for the process after the cows have — uh, come home.
Really enjoy reading your older blogs as I only found you in 2014. I have gone back prior to that and caught up with some, but there’s a lot to get thru.