After taking some photos at Ten Sleep Park for my photo class, I climbed into the Jeep for my 20 mile drive home. Almost through town, I spied something in the road.
There, on the center line, stood a small snowman.

I quickly pulled over, much more excited to take photos of these tiny little crosswalk guards on the center line. As I watched, people slowed, some joined me in taking photos, and others simply carefully driving around the snowmen.
Semi’s, horsetrailers, hunters pulling small trailers… all avoided them.
I assumed I knew who had done this and minutes later as I still took more photos, he appeared. “Did you do this?” I yelled. “No, my dad did!” Ha! Kudos to Dad. Oftentimes, drivers speed through Ten Sleep since this Main Street is also a highway. These little crosswalk guards have had more success slowing down drivers than anything else I’ve seen. They’re hired!

I noticed one had started to melt. I stood there a while, and finally achieved the shot I wanted.

I think it turned out well!

Thanks for the smiles.
Find me here!
Each of my parents came from a small town and there was always a friendly competition for which was larger and/or more advanced. When my mom’s town got a traffic signal, it appeared on a postcard. These snowmen took me back to that. Thanks.
Ten Sleep looks like a “good sized” place with lost of traffic for those tiny guards to manage.
What a great reason to slow down. In the UK we have humps/bumps on roads, usually near homes, to slow traffic. We call them ‘sleeping policemen’. Maybe snowmen would work better .
Simply adorable! I am sure all passerby-ers got a feeling of joy in this cute creation.
I love this! So sweet.
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing and yes I am smiling!