The sweet ladies from The First Church of the Nazarene continue to do the Jerri Burton Memorial Garden Walk in my mom’s honor. It’s very small, usually two or three gardens, and it’s not really advertised, usually attended only by members of the church. Well, July 9th was my mother’s birthday, and the garden walk fell on that day this year. I felt I needed to go and, thankfully, the cows are temporarily in their rightful places. I was off!

Thank you, ladies! It was fun, even if it was 96° out! Thanks for remembering Mom in this way.
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Wonderful photos and a great way to honour your Mom. Yes, the washer with ringer reminded me of my friend who as a child caught her thumb in the ringer. It bent the nail and that nail stayed bent for the rest of her life. As teens it was a challenge to put nail polish on it!!!!!!!
Fun and lovely way to honor your Mom!
A beautiful oasis!
That old washer brought back all kinds of wonderful memories of my great aunt and mom. And the garden with the stream and fish!! Here in dry So. Ca., you’d probably be in all sorts of trouble for wasting water that way. Sigh!
Thanks, Carol.
Such wonderful creativity with the varied kinds of plants and artsy objects (if you could call an old washing machine ‘artsy’!!). Very nice to have this ongoing remembrance.