A panorama of the alleyway makes it look like it is u shaped instead of straight. On the left is the vet’s chute and the preg test crew… on the right is Vernon bringing the girls up the alley. I worked alongside, sending the girls closer to the chute, where Victoria encouraged them to enter so the vet could manually check their status.
It was one of those perfect days… cool start in the mud… but it dried out quickly and wasn’t too hot or too cold, with the rain dousing the dust so we weren’t miserable!

We were short Megan and her kids, as Quinlan had a football game. We fit everyone, the food, lawn chairs, coolers, and two dogs into my Durango. The guys had gone early to gather… and we made it up in good time to serve hot soup and sandwiches for lunch! We followed it with an afternoon of work.

The girls did pretty well for us… and we love seeing that ”G” our vet puts on our pregnant ones!

Very nice group photo. And checking out the two dogs, staring at each other in close quarters, is really amusing!