After the first half of the herd had been sorted and trailed to their pastures, we decided to break for lunch. Megan and Brandon and I had our horses, and they tied theirs with halters to the corral. I had no halter, and was too lazy to walk to the barn to get one. I have one thin parachute cord between the bit and the reins on my bridle. It’s sole purpose is to break before the leather of the bridle does. I trusted it and wrapped my reins around the corral pole and left.
I suppose you can see where this is going… Sure enough, Brandon gave me a shout of, ”Mom, your horse is loose!” Ugh. Not only had Milo broke his headstall, he broke his throatlatch as well. Goodness. I trudged dismally to the barn to look for replacement parts. I gave up and used another bridle as Daniel arrived to saddle his horse to trail this completed half of the herd to their pastures.
It was a good headstall, too! I guess I didn’t realize the strength of one strand of parachute cord. I’ll change that with this next mix and match bridle I’ll create.
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Nothing like “Your horse is loose” to tell you equipment is messed up. What is Panama doing these days?
Beautiful colours in these photos.
Milo is your preferred horse now? Loved the color of your other ride…forgot his name, well they are both beautiful.
Milo is a beautiful horse from the glimpses on pics! Hopefully he didn’t run off too far and just decided to graze. Love that handsome Bravo as well!