Clear, brilliant blue skies build cloud after cloud, each one darker than the last. At some magical tipping point, the clouds release their darkness and a localized spot will receive lightning, thunder, maybe some hail, and a downpour of rain. It tends to be focused not widespread. The other night with blinding cracks and flashes, rain poured down and gave us over a half inch of rain in no time. Other days we’ve watched it roil and boil and go around us, leaving only the fresh scent to jeer at our missed chance of moisture.

Weather like this was typical years ago, though thunderheads seemed to want to build in the afternoons. Now, they are tending to grow all day long. The guys are ready to begin haying, but hot dry weather is preferable… rain ruins good hay, and right now, we have a stand of good hay. We might give it a few days to see what happens… and now I just want a good setup to film some amazing time lapse video!

Daniel and Vernon work on the discbine while morning clouds and barn swallows swoop through the sky.
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There is always something really beautiful about your Wyoming skies.
Wonderful photos!