The Washakie County Fair has started… and suddenly, as Vernon says, we are a 4H/FFA outfit with a few cows on the side…. The horse show was today and then next week we will be attending the pig show (Quinlan and Lorelei), the sheep show, (Jaxon and Lacee), the beef show (all four), the bred and fed show(Jaxon and Lacee). Reagan will sneak in there with a PeeWee Round Robin or something as well.
Is it confusing? Yes.
Do we know what they’re doing? Nope. Sure don’t.
We didn’t do Fair with our kids, so Vernon and I just go and watch and applaud and tell them Great Job.
I’m just happy these old ranch horses are such good sports. This is not their normal life!
The kids are a little shinier than normal(and, yes, there’s an extra in the pic). Photo by Tess.
Everyone ended up with a handful of ribbons and a bucket as well. Photo by Tess.
But best of all… some fun cousin time and big grins all around!
Photo by Tess.
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Great to see cousin’s having so much fun.
Kids and horses ALL look terrific and happy participants in the activities of the Fair.
Thanks Tess for the photos! Everyone looks great and smiles all around….