It was an opportunity day… after lunch, five grandkids needed something to do… and I debated. Finally I thought of a long overdue project. Next to my fire pit was an area of old firewood, dry Christmas trees, tall grass, thistles, and an old bench seat destined for the fire pit.
We drug out hand saws, hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, and a hand drill. Oh, and a rake and various sizes of “loppers” to use on the thistles. I gave them the tools, told them the goal, and set them free. I tried not to give much instruction. “Lefty loosy”. “Get your head away from the swinging hammer.” “Move your job into the shade.”
Nothing teaches persistence like a hand saw or using pliers on stubborn nuts instead of any ratcheting type tool. Or figuring out how to unhook springs from the seat slats.

Lacee should have been in the photo for that, because she was determined to get the springs removed! They all hung in there… and as soon as I mow it, it’ll look great. Plus I have a pile of firewood! Sweet!
I got a job done and they had the opportunity to learn basic tools. And they had fun!
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Triple win!! Sweet!
Love it. Kids like doing real work.