While Lucas and Elsa seem to be going through a “romantic” period, today wasn’t very full of the ranch romance that people believe happens.
You know… “Oh, you live on a ranch – how romantic.”
“You get to ride horses like cowboys??? How romantic!”
It should be more like…
“Oh, you get to pull the pump out of a 180′ well TWICE in one day… through the thawed 1/2″ of poop in a corral with an undercoating of dangerous ice… and get it all over you… How romantic!”
Yup. That’s it. The romance of ranch life. And if it doesn’t continue to work overnight, I’ll get to do it tomorrow too! And it is supposed to be colder tomorrow with a chance of snow. Well, maybe the top layer in the corral will stay frozen that way. Gotta look on the good side.
No pictures today. My hands were full of rust muck and poop. My back, I’m sure, isn’t as sore as Vernon’s!
Then the heifer calves rubbed the gate open and mixed with the steer calves.
Then Dally pooped in my house TWICE because I’m trying to leave Elsa and Lucas together and so she goes from kennel to house with obviously not enough time (like 2 hours) in between to poop outside. Shees. Yecch. She gets the “stupid dog” award today. Or was that Boomer, who tries to sneak in a little good time with Elsa on the side and when Lucas appears, Boomer doesn’t have enough sense to Move Away from her… and when Lucas tries to kill Boomer, I have to go in and break it up. Stupid Dog!
So… sigh…
Today wasn’t romantic in any way.
But I do know this about ranching and ranchers… they have to be positive and look on the bright side… otherwise they’d throw up their hands in disgust and move to the BIG CITY where they’d work 8-5 with weekends and holidays off and better pay and insurance and paid vacation and take-out and a teeny tiny little yard and only have to pay for a house and car instead of multiple tractors and expensive fertilizer and vehicles and fuel and land and vet calls.
So… I’ll go to bed now and wake up to a gorgeous sunrise and sweet husband and awesome dogs and think of my amazing children and send a special prayer up in thanks for good friends and a great mom and family and good health and start my romantic ranch life all over again!