Today was one of those winter days when you yearn for green. It was warm… relatively! The sky was blue. The snow was melting – albeit slowly. It was the kind of day that makes you want to grab your seed catalog and make a plan for spring!
I spent a few hours up at the Mills Place putting a coat of primer in the pantry and then I just continued with primer… what the heck, the mud room needs painted sooner or later. So I primed what I could reach… leaving the ceiling above the freezer… most walls knee height and down… avoiding whatever Donna has left there. It looks much cleaner in spots! And pretty disorganized otherwise! Used the entire gallon. Time to buy more primer!
Isn’t that what spring is all about??
I needed to forget that the creek alternates between being frozen over and being flooded over the top of the ice.
That snow is knee deep in the shadows in my back yard.
That the ice build-up on my front porch isn’t 6″ deep.
Note to self: I despise north facing house fronts!
So to remind myself what our creek looks like while wearing a green cape instead of the white robe it has on now… There are these…
I love the red reflection from the hills on the creek…
It cracks me up when Elsa uses her nose to plow through the water.
Doesn’t it just look like Dally is laughing??? Elsa is just going ha-ha… very funny.
Oh, for spring!