Thanks for the tips on my watermark difficulties… I will try them!
Anything to keep me from sitting here in front of my computer quite so much would be extremely welcomed! I need to automate the entire process, and there is probably a way to do it… Changing the dpi… resizing… adding a watermark and uploading… who can do that in one easy step? Not me! But I’ll be happy with a watermark! Thanks!
Before it is too late…
We must revisit February of 2009. Look on the left sidebar. See where it says “Monthly Archives”? Click on 2009 and then click again on February. You’ll see many entries to do with “Eggs” and “Pysanky“. Read them… Go ahead. I’ll wait. Or not. Or click on the links. But that’s the background for the next few entries.
For today…
I never realized until I was uploading this photo…
my dog and my horse are the same color!
Does that *mean* anything?
Find me here!