Can you see it?
All of your well wishes made my day!
Thank you all collectively!
Honestly, this has been fun… and so there is no doubt that I will continue visiting with you… sharing my days… and writing my dotdotdots!
Yesterday and today, we messed with our cows a bit. Before we know it, it will be calving season… so we prepared for that. The cows we’ve brought in from the badlands last week, we vaccinated and poured and sorted.
The vaccination is Scour Guard. One of the biggest killers of baby calves is diarrhea or scours. Vaccinating the cow now helps the fetus get a better start against scours.
Pouring them with Ivermectin basically treats the cows for worms and parasites… something you probably do for your dogs and cats!
Sorting them lessens the concentration of cattle on the feed grounds… better for their health and the field’s health as well. The ones we sorted off yesterday, we moved down to the other place this morning. Again, I was pickup and horsetrailer woman, so the guys wouldn’t have to take the time to ride the 3 miles home on their horses.
It was a gorgeous day.
And wonder of wonders… Elsa helped them!
Now, if you don’t have an English Shepherd, you would be saying “So?” But these are English SHADOWS… and 97% of the time, they want to stay in mine, no matter if the guys are moving cows or not. But with Daniel taking over my job of helping feeding and gathering/moving cattle… my dogs are learning to go with him… rather than stay house bound with boring ol’ me.
I took her picture over and over… she kept a close eye on me back in the pickup. Lucas and Dally were extremely jealous of her work status while they were stuck in the truck.
We trailed down the highway… and I played around with my camera as the guys fed the cows once we reached our goal.
Then I saw this…
and I knew it wasn’t good.
January 21, 2010 No entry.
January 21, 2009 Canyon
January 21, 2008 Snow
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