So here, in no particular order:
No surprise to see more windmills on these high plains, but why is it I take comfort at these old style windmills but the new ones for electricity just irritate me?
With lights and bleachers and an old school bus on stilts, the Merriman Speedway Mud Races look like they could be a Good Ol’ Time!
Though in spots, Nebraska had the solid guardrails I’m used to… there were quite a few of these cable guardrails. Are they supposed to slingshot you back onto the roadway? Because that’s all I could think of… the Roadrunner boing-ing off these Acme cables…
In a teensy town with 6 other normal tall metal granary complexes, there was this one on the outskirts of town. To me it looked more like a drying barn where you could spread the grain around with a tractor… anyone know? It is huge!
Fort Robinson State Park. I could totally explore this place in the summer when I had tons of time… when this is greens up, it has to be gorgeous.
Hundreds of train cars full of Wyoming coal headed east. You’re welcome.
In 1918, they built buildings with character. What happened?
Don’t forget… Q&A on Thursday!
April 2, 2010 What’s In Front?
April 2, 2009 Not Puppies
April 2, 2008 No entry.
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