Guess it appears that I’m on a black and white photo kick lately! Don’t be fooled, I took this one today.
Yes, it was foggy.
Yes, it was snowing.
Yes, I’m wandered around the middle of the herd, trying to take a good photo…
Yes, I sweated. Whoo.
Since Daniel is gone, I was hay pitcher for Johnny… and blech! we fed some yucky stuff today! The kind that you have to pry apart each and every flake. OK… honestly only on 4 bales… 3 were “good”. I didn’t remain chilled by the snow for long! I’m glad that’s all we fed today because if there had been one more bale, I would have had to take a break. I *definitely* ran out of steam.
That’s also why I’m sincerely thinking on a hot bath and perhaps a *beverage* and a book…
but I feel so accomplished…
or should I say, Yippee-ki-yi-yo! ?
April 10, 2010 Hiking
April 10, 2009 It’s Quiet
April 10, 2008 Whoops
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