We worked cows again today… first we gathered the willow and boxelder patch next to the creek that we call the Double Crossing. (That’s where we left them yesterday.) A mile home and we put them in the corral.
Since it’s not a big day, and the weather was cool (cooler than I was prepared for!), and we are never far from water… guess who the Dog of the Day was?
Slightly damp, but happy to be there!
We sorted the yearling heifers off… plus the cows we’ll be selling soon due to their “open-ness”, or bad teeth, or poor production.
I helped the boys kick the first little bunch into our Ritchie Pasture just before lunch.
I was happy to then stop for lunch and try to thaw out! A little rain and snow flurry had come through, and I was freezing!! I pulled an arm muscle getting on my horse (don’t ask me how, things just happen) and it HURT. Did you know that leather (specifically, saddles) get very *sticky* when they’re wet? Nothing like clambering on a wet, cold saddle…
Anyway, Vernon gave me the option after lunch to stay home… and I did. I felt bad about it… but that looonnnnnggg hot shower I took to thaw out???? It was Divine.
Happy, happy birthday to my dear Victoria! You’ve brightened my life so much! Love, Mom
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Love to see Lucas working when he can… how is his paw doing? ….. he is such a pretty dog….
He’s on a mending cycle right now… even with working the other day! If I could just keep him this way, it’d be so nice!
Suggestion for your wet saddle…there is a product called Saddle Lac by Feibings, you can order it online from Tandy or if you get to Sheridan there are enough leather folks there that someone might be able to sell it to you. Saddle soap first, let it dry then spray saddle lac. Should help repel water, not water proof but you can spray more than directions say.
Cool, Randy, thanks for the tip! I’ve never heard of the stuff!
Aw, Good Boy Lucas…. I know how he wants to work those silly cows and teach them a thing or two…. How’s Dally after her big day before?
Sorry about your arm…. Work it out girl!!! Winter’s a comin!
I also am curious what “open-ness” refers too. And sorry to hear about the arm, but few things can be as refreshing as coming in from a damp cold and hitting a hot shower. Then it’s in PJs by the fireside with a good book! Hard to beat that feeling of comfort
Colby D Miller recently posted…Farming Friday: Happy Halloween!
Oooh, Colby, think I’ll use this one in my next Q&A! (Coming in a few days!)
Yeah, second what Carole said, though it looks to me like vet wrap. Did he bang it up somehow?
I’ll cover this in my next Q&A!
Did Lucas do something to his left front paw? It looks like it has been shaved. You said you were getting cows ready for sale because of their “open-ness”. Could you explain. I have never heard that terminology before and my daddy always around cattle.
How about I answer these two in the next Q&A?
I love that first picture of Lucas. What a dog! And I’m glad the day’s work was a good match for him. I’m sure he’s even MORE glad. 🙂