1. M. C. has all of the photos from 2012 up again! Well, there’s a few exceptions I have to figure out, but it’s MOSTLY finished! 😉
2. The other night, former employees of Girl Scout National Center West met and shared supper with our former boss. There’s a few more miles under our belts, but our smiles haven’t dimmed!
3. I wrote this dedication on my facebook page… but I felt like I should share it here. Rest in peace, Dr. Strausner…
This man made a difference in my life and in my mother’s. Mom worked for Dr. Strausner as a secretary in Student Personnel where he was a counselor. As as kid, I babysat his girls, sold him Girl Scout cookies, and cried on his shoulder when my dad fought and lost to cancer. When he became president of CC, mom went back to work for him as his secretary once again. He championed me through arguments with UW over transfer of credits, and there was no better man to have on your side than Dr. Strausner. He was always cheerful and inquisitive of my new life on a ranch near Ten Sleep. He watched my children grow and was happy to see my daughter get her 4 year degree on the CC campus. Finally, he gave my mother’s eulogy. It wasn’t easy for him, I’m sure. He had humble beginnings, but oh, my, how far you came! And, more importantly, how far you helped others go! Peace to you, Marcia, and your girls and their families.
Find me here!
Dr. Straussner sounds like a wonderful man who touched many lives. He’ll live in many memories, I’m sure.
And great news about the pictures! I always read the older posts; even without photos, your writing is so interesting. But they’re definitely better with illustrations!
Oh, definitely better with photos! M.C. is an angel!
My sympathy to you, and all those whose lives Dr. Strausner touched. I took time to read the article about him to learn about a special man.
Also had fun looking at the Girl Scout National Center West website that you mentioned. Definitely a stroll down memory lane and very educational. I still have my old badges that I earned in the 50’s (yes, I am a slight pack rat!!).
I have my Brownie uniform and others, badges, patch coat, etc etc etc. Girl Scouting too much a big part of my life for too many years.
1. Kudos, M.C., and Thank You!
2. Niiice smiles 🙂
3. My sincere condolences. Dr. Strausner sounds like the kind of person who should live to be a happy and healthy 110 years of age, and then some…
Sorry, my bad, my bad English! Should have written: “Dr. Strausner sounds like the kind of person who should have lived to be a happy and healthy 110″… (This is why I don’t like to comment, Carol. I just can’t trust my English anymore. Drives me batty.)
You don’t know how many times I proof my posts before hitting publish!!!! 😉
What a wonderful man to have had in your life. We do need to treasure and remember those in our lives who have inspired, encouraged and listened to us. Special evening for us yesterday as Granddaughter made her Brownie Promise (Girl Scouts aged 7-10) in front of the Brownie Toadstool and Flag. She now has empty brown sash where Mom (or Nan) can sew the badges she will worked for. Great news about the photos.
Awwwwww. I loved being a Brownie! I put on a Brownie event where I made a large toadstool out of paper mache and we danced around it!!! They loved it!
So happy for you getting the photos back up! What a wonderful friend you have too 🙂 But, so sorry for the passing of such a great man & friend. Peace to you too. And here is a hug in case you can use one.
Thanks! Hug received and appreciated!
He sounds like a wonderful man. Peace to you, and to those who loved him.
Thank you.