-23 as I head to bed… That’s a level of bitter cold in which I’m EXTREMELY grateful for a house! The coldest I’ve ever seen it was -55 in 1983. I remember because the guys had to go ride horses and bring the cows in from the badlands… and Vernon told me I could stay home! I was thrilled to miss out on those rides!!!!
I don’t remember what the wind chill was… sometimes it’s best if you don’t remember ALL the details!
I hope you’re warm…
Find me here!
Brrrr….that is Cold! The really cold weather always makes me feel so grateful for having a house, heat and electricity–things I usually so take for granted and so would not like to live without. Just saying… 😉 Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!
I remember one morning in the early 90’s when the wind chill was -80 in West Yellowstone when we were going back through the park to the truck at Flag Ranch on our snow machines — as fast as we could I might add! There was a couple in the office there in an argument after the man had rented snow machines and the woman was adamantly saying that she wasn’t going to even step out the door!
I can’t even imagine temps that cold, my lowest was -2 and I didn’t have to be outside and it was TOOOO cold. Hope you stay safe and snug.
Randy recently posted…Venturing out
Wowsers, that’s COLD. Makes me glad I live in the temperate mid-Atlantic.
Happy New Years to you and your family!
Brr! that’s really cold! It’s 17 F. here with lake-effect snow predicted today and tomorrow. Everything in WNY is effected by the wind off Lake Erie. Always feel sorry for the little wildlife.
Happy New Year…. Those sweet grandchildren are and will bring you so much joy… I have seen minus 60 windchill here in Ne. 2X… that is wicked…. (frost bit my upper ear in one of those)… so -10 is nothing LOL ….. except to my hubby….
It was -26 here south of Newcastle when we went to bed last night, it’s all the way up to -19 now at 6 a.m.
It is 5am and just came in from feeding horses. Looks like -5 here. My bedroom has no heat, but I’m plenty warm at night. As I was going down the stairs to a nice warm main floor I was praying for all those folks who are sleeping out in this. Tragic. Some by choice, but not all.
That is COLD. We had -3C last night, but a beautiful sunrise. Gotta do some cleaning before visitors arrive for a few days. Happy New a Year Carol, to you and you family.
YOW! Grateful to be in Arkansas, where it’s merely freezing outside!