We sorted and sent another 34 pairs out into the allotment today. A day of sunshine and barely any wind. A day of yellow bells and blue skies. A day of not too cold, not too hot… a Goldilocks day. A day when the pairs stayed paired. A good day on a good horse. What…
From Big Sis to Li’l Momma
Three weeks ago, when the puppies were born, Dally was a confused soul. She wasn’t sure what happened, but she wanted to be part of it. It earned her some whippings from Elsa. But Dally is a persistent gal and her sympathetic hormones seem to rage full bore. Each time I took photos or checked…
Lil Bro’
The magic 3 week age has hit the litter… They are quickly working on their personalities… They “bark”. They “run”. They “growl”. They “sit”. They make me use lots of “quotation marks”. If I can get an in focus shot… It is easy to come up with Photo Titles. Like today’s… “Hey, Li’l Bro’, whaddya…
Test Drive OOPE
Yesterday I spent the afternoon horseback, hunched against the Wyoming wind. That is guaranteed to make my shoulders ache, but it seems impossible for me to ride in the wind without raising my shoulders and trying to protect myself from the blasts. Luckily, the wind wasn’t the freezing cold temperature that it often is, and…
Test Drive
I went to a good friend’s house yesterday afternoon for a test drive. I’ve been on the lookout for a new horse, and he’s been helping me. My dream horse: 6 or 7 years old (the stupid has usually left by then!) Short enough I can get on…(the stirrup keeps getting harder…
Busy Day… one of many to come!
I know I’m late, but I have had a busy day… My mother and daughter left after lunch today… so we spent the morning trying to talk about everything we’ve not had a chance to cover the past two days. It always seems like such a short visit… We had to play with the puppies…
Happy Easter!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter holiday!
Sometimes I get a little pressured. I’ve got company coming and a filthy house. I don’t know what’s for lunch and I have to feed people. I need to be naming puppies and writing my centennial stories and creating my book design and cleaning this ranch and painting the Mills place and … you know……
It’s Quiet…
I went to the Mills Place yesterday to do a little painting. Our new kitchen cabinets are almost totally installed (!) and since the day was going to be a dreary day of rain/snow mix, it seemed a good time to put some color in the mud room. I loaded up Lucas and Dally and…
Fighting the Friendliness
For my new readers… I have a category called Out of Scope… where the topic is not our Wyoming ranch or my children or my dogs. The topics are provided by my cousin who occasionally blesses us with an email about his world travels. I find his observations unique, mind-expanding, and curious. I hope you…
Wordless Wednesday – “…Puppy Dog Tails Antithesis
I have “Snips, and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails (Antithesis)! Tomorrow: Out of Scope from Bangladesh and India!
Motherhood – Pass/Fail
You get the privilege of watching motherhood in various forms out here. Cows and calves, does and fawns, mares and foals, goose and goslings, hens and chicks, ewes and lambs. Here, I have Elsa… a great mom… I help with the first time mothers, the heifers… Then, we have those that fail at motherhood. Night…