Today was a busy and long day. It began with a little of this.. Then it included this… Followed by hours at this… But the best part of today??? This… Am I a tease or what????
Category: Bees
To Bee at Summer School
This morning I hosted Ten Sleep’s summer school on a field trip. Their focus is on… bees! I decided I could help with that! First was a talk on my lawn… where we looked at new and old comb and dead bees and brood comb and drone comb and had a bite of my honey……
Cool and rainy and a week later… it was time to check on my bees! My Golden Hive has slowed down for the most part, although they’ve started replacing comb from the one I stole with the queen cells. There seems to be more drones and remember the comb with the two queen cells on…
Learning Adventure
Before I left for the Garden Walk, I knew I needed to check on my bees. Thursday was a cool morning… perfect! I was going to check my Golden Hive, as last time, Mesopotamia had the check up. Slow and steady, I pried each bar from the other, still amazed at the efficiency of propolis…
Live and Learn
I had a friend stop by yesterday. He once had 100 bee hives when he lived back east and he was anxious to see my top bar hive. He had never seen one, so we jumped in the car and went for a visit. He walked into my bee barn with no protection, no gloves,…
Busy Season
If you couldn’t tell… we’ve been busy around here. We’ve been kicking cows out into our badlands pasture. It is a LONG walk for little bitty baby calves, and for my horse and my dog and for ME! (Don’t mind that my camera didn’t open all the way… I do believe the poor thing is…
Pop Can Heater
I don’t know how I stumble across these things… but I’ve found a couple of great ideas that I thought I’d try on my Bee Barn. It seems to be cool in there, with no direct sun, the bees aren’t as active as they were in my open shed I had them in, so I…
Just Waitin’
Spring storms… gotta love ’em… when this leaves, the grass will shoot up! Before this hit, I spent some time with my bees, removing more of the cross combing. While some beekeepers have suggested I continue into the depths of the hive to see if my queen is laying… I still haven’t made it that…
Top Bar Hive Bee Barn
The Experiment Begins! An old wooden granary is cleaned out to become my top bar hive Bee Barn. Modifications were made. My front door gets a built in screen door (as soon as I get to town to buy more screen!). It is simply a door within a door… to let more air in during…
Sweet Beauty
Victoria gave me this idea weeks ago… back when I posted my “Mono-comb” photo. I couldn’t just pick one or two photos more photos to share though, so I made you a video. Enjoy some sweet beauty! Sweet Beauty from Carol Greet on Vimeo. **** Please notice: BEES now have their own category tab at…